![logo](http://www.glbthistory.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/AngelaDavis_banner.png) | A new exhibition drawing on rare posters and ephemera from a private collection will trace the turbulent history of Angela Davis, a radical thinker and activist whose work reflects her experience as a queer black woman. Davis first came to public attention in the 1970s with her involvement in the Black Panther Party, her
dismissal from the faculty of the University of California due to her membership in the Communist Party, and her trial on charges of political kidnapping and murder for which she was acquitted. Today, Davis continues her militant work, challenging mainstream LGBTQ movements to see the military and marriage with a critical eye. "Angela Davis: OUTspoken" considers some of the roles Davis has played in the American political imaginary and explores the complexity and impact of her life across nearly half a century. |