Person Details

Maria Caruana

Type: loginRegistered: 2014-11-24    Last Login: 2023-05-27 16:06:29
photoPicture Maria was raised in Brooklyn, New York. She remained an atheist until her relationship with Jesus began in 1986. At that time, God delivered her from a life of alcohol and drugs to live life in abundance in Him. Following God’s call into pastoral service, Maria graduated from Christ Evangelical Bible Institute in 1994 and moved from Phoenix to San Francisco in order to share a life together with her spouse, Terrie. With compassion, mercy, and honesty, it is Maria’s heart to tell everyone about God’s love and the relationship He wants to have with us through Jesus as well as to encourage all to be the individuals God has created them to be.

Served as crew on:

projectGLBT - Angela Davis: OUTspoken exhibition openingActor2018-02-09