Video Details

Internet Archive Openhouse - Roger Macdonald speaker

Category: Nonprofit function2014-10-28  Brewster Kahle
Project: Internet Archive Openhouse
logoRoger Macdonald Director, Television Archive

Roger joined the Internet Archive to help create an open digital public library of TV news, providing a means to thoughtfully reflect upon the most pervasive and persuasive medium of our time. Certainly no coincidence that he had spent the previous eleven years helping to manage the nation's largest independent noncommercial TV network, Link TV. Prior to co-founding the network devoted to global news and culture in1999, Roger helped create and manage several other organizations engaged in addressing international challenges, often through media, including the Gorbachev Foundation. His favorite quote: Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity. -- Horace Mann, abolitionist; father of U.S. public education; and founder of Antioch College.

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Venue: Internet Archive
Organization: Internet Archive


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